Sunday, January 15, 2023

TLMC "timeout" version, 2023.01.15

If you prefer your touhou albums somewhat disorganized, but later, rather than organized, but never, then this version is for you.

Single torrent : 1.55 TiB or 1 701 548 530 091 bytes.
Torrent file size is 18 106 928 bytes; contains 67 197 files.
Magnet link.

Added on 2023-04-25: Recent versions of uTorrent are broken (see user problems in comments) and will fail to open this torrent. Use other clients. I suggest qBittorrent.

This torrent contains only new content relative to TLMC v.19, so if you want a complete collection you need both. There are several things you could do. Most obvious, clean and suggested solution would be to keep v.19 and this torrent in two separate directories, then union-mount contents of both to a single location. Unfortunately not an option if you're on Windows. Another way is just to point both to a single directory and create a giant mess, then if/when I release proper next version ask your torrent client to delete this torrent together with its files or ask me for a python script to delete all files belonging to a single torrent if your client can't cleanly do this itself.

Collection status:
- directory names (circle/artist/album/release date): mostly ok, but event names could be shortened
- audio files: needs further deduplication, some albums need ctdb repair, some albums need conversion to 16/44 (anything higher is a sad reminder about the state of modern education), everything needs a uniform naming scheme to make automatic creation of cuesheets possible
- digital cover versions: many albums still have better alternatives
- cover scans: as good as it can get, I'm just relaying what I got 1:1, nothing to do here

Added on 2023-07-11: you can view album quality scan summary here or download original summary file without blogger code injections here.
First and second columns from the left are the ( my track matches min - max / total track submissions min - max) in ARDB and CTDB, respectively, at the time I ran a scan of that album (which could easily be a year ago and is saved in the comment).

If a square is dark green, then the audio is verified as OK and there is no need for duplicates;
if it's light green, then there were not enough confirmations and you can send your rip and submit it to CTDB/ARDB;
if it's dark red, then the audio has a mismatch and I welcome a replacement;
if it's light red, then there is no match, but the audio was most likely normalized, so treat it as dark red;
if it's grey, then there is no information on existing rip (either a rare CD or a web download) and your rip would help;
if it's white, then it's a classification error of my script (treat as grey).

A teal line is an album from v.19 (old torrent from 2018), a white line is an album from the timeout ver (new torrent from 2023), a dark grey line is a circle separator.


  1. High Resolution Audio: Does It Matter?
    A nice discussion, feel free to join us. ;)

    1. I'm past the stage when one thinks adding arguments to a 47-page thread can change anyone's opinions. As for my reaction, I only skimmed through the initial post.
      >High Resolution Audio: Does It Matter?
      It's pure snake oil. What that thread author tries to do is take a single dubious paper and base all his conclusions around that. Unfortunately I couldn't find original paper pdf for download, so I can't comment on its contents, but there isn't even need for that. When your neutrino detector discovers superluminal signal you don't go all "Wah, is it FTL?!", you should think "It's probably bad cables" (spoiler: it was bad cables). Human auditory system is a well-studied subject in biology/anatomy, so the fact that our _dynamic_ hearing range is about 100 dB (that's from the threshold of hearing to the threshold of pain, without accounting for masking) and the frequency response exhibits sharp drop-off at around 20 kHz at best, even less in adults, is enough to say "what were they doing wrong?", not "ooh, CD bad". The answer? I don't know and I'm not interested in finding out myself; unlike those with motivated reasoning I need much more evidence to justify spending my effort.
      Then the poster goes full non-sequitur with how "hires" audio can help avoid loudness compression ( Like, hello? To avoid loudness compression you need to stop doing loudness compression (good luck with that when relevant actor incentives are aligned against it and masses don't care), not cram more useless inaudible bits into your files.
      Conclusion: audiophiles are getting uppity (again).

    2. Thanks for replying, :3 and the effort in your message :D
      I always thought of TLMC, as a preservation project, for touhou music, wouldn't it still make sense to distribute it, with the original uncompressed HD albums/tracks, or keep them inside a separate torrent, for preservation purposes.
      I know that, even 24/48>16/44 should be snake oil ear-lube transparent, if done properly, but not empirically for archiving. :)
      I think, it would be worthwhile to consider, even, if there is no audible advantage for common listening, it could be used some day, for remixing, a mashup or some sampling shenanigans.
      Thought if, an album really only contains 0s, in the lower bit range, it would be just a waste, but I think/hope that the tta codec is efficient at compressing a pattern like that.
      Maybe, none of the touhou albums, actually contains more than 16bit, so an integer truncating to 16bit should be alright, thought people could hide messages in there, it would be nice, if you could check it first.
      At the end of the day, TLMC is your project, so you decide where it goes. ;)
      Thank you, for your hard work and effort. :D

    3. Well, in case you want the originals they are always here, as long as this torrent stays alive.
      Just for your information, I did really see "24"-bit albums with 8 lower bits all set to zero and unfortunately tta fails miserably at encoding them close to 16-bit size, however flac shines at this.

    4. Got it, stay well and healthy rwx. (^-^)

    5. rwx, I just want to say I think you are a treasure of the good old internet. Obviously primarily for making the TLMC happen, but also your writing, as exemplified here. High quality old school nerd polemic, not quite gratuitously nasty but certainly not pulling any punches. Torvaldsesque. I love it.

      This is of course an over the top reaction to a random comment you wrote, but it's been kicking around in my head every time I read one of your technical opinion posts, and this time your exquisite use of "uppity", one of my all-time favorite words, made me just go for it. Anyways, you're awesome, and I hope everything turns out well for you.

    6. Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media. I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange...well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.

    7. How many times have I seen this comment posted about elsewhere.. certainly not original that's for sure. The only reasons for even bothering with lossless are: archival, future format shifting and potential editing (for those DJ types, who may want to do swear editing for example - clean source that can be shifted to a more "friendly" format like MP3). Most definitely don't hear a difference. I personally am in the archival camp, been collecting music of pretty much every genre going for well over 15 years at this point and am probably at about 70% lossless of a 15TB+ collection (of which, about half actually were ripped correctly - unfortunately due to obscure artists and not having the physical media myself, haven't been able to fix that issue).

  2. Thanks again for sharing, hope everything its going well and better late than never, happy new year.

  3. I'm at 4.0 upload/size ratio right now, so I hope me stopping seeding somewhat soon won't have a significant impact on availability.

    1. qb reports me as the only other seed for now

    2. 4 seeds, soon to have 2 ratio, the torrent should stay healthy.

    3. I've got this torrent running permanently on my box. At 0.8 ratio right now, but more due to a lack of peers to seed to. Torrent should definitely stay healthy.

  4. I hope you aren't in any danger of being mobilized; thank you for your hard work, and keep your head down and chin up!!

  5. Oh my, I'm late to notice the new one. Thank you.

  6. Hello, can anyone help please, I'm getting "can't open amxubt.torrent unknown error"

    1. Check if you can download the torrent file (in case you're opening it directly by feeding the client the url), check if the torrent file is correct size. Use magnet if your isp blocks catbox or if it's down. If everything fails, then try another client, although a client would have to be seriously broken to fail on this torrent.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm getting this error as well, the torrent url doesn't work and the magnet doesn't go past the downloading metadata step (0%)

    4. This could be an issue with your torrent client. What are you using?

    5. This torrent file is too big, you should use 64-bit client.

  7. Replies
    1. And a どういたしまして to you, young lady.

  8. Thank you! Stay safe out there!

  9. you're a champion thank you enormously

  10. I'm so excited!!!

  11. Thank you all for the hard work.

  12. incredible, thanks!

  13. how to fix download always stuck in 0%? and can anyone give me a torrent downloader option?

    1. Depends on what the cause is. Path length often can cause issues so try downloading to the root of the drive, magnet links may sit at 0% for a while due to them basically needing to download the .torrent file from others, so just download it manually and drop it in your client yourself. Any actively developed client should be "fine" for most people, so pick one and run with it.

    2. Still same, download doesn't running and stuck in 0%. Can anyone help me just get 2 albums pls :)

      1. Akatsuki Record : DRCD-0071
      2. はちみつれもん : HLCD-0056

      Thx :)

  14. i have two releases that i'm not sure are on here - EASTYLE HARDCORE and Kingdom Reborn EP by Armatek. You can find info for Eastyle on VGMDB and Discogs for Kingdom Reborn. By chance are they album's you might need? if so, i can have them scanned/ripped next week and can forward them to you then. I'll check back later, take care of yourself, hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Last version contains both albums under [電網公司] and [電網レコーディングス] respectively, but I'd be happy to add their scans.

  15. Forgot to mention in the opening post: I find it very likely that either this or the next TLMC is the last collection where you can be sure its entire contents were composed by humans only.

    1. what do you mean by this?

    2. Don't know how's that ambiguous, but rephrasing for clarity: I'd be moderately surprised if by the end of 2024 we don't have algorithmic generation of music of the sort that happened in 2021-2022 for still images.

    3. Last week judges in the USA ruled that you cannot copyright ai-generated works. Such rulings may discourage this.

    4. Copyright? On my touhou music?

  16. Do you want me to post this torrent to

    1. Your call. If you do please leave a note that it's an addition to v.19, not a replacement.

    2. good luck with dealing with those many files

    3. 70k files is a lot? I mean, sure, 10-20 times less would be better, but it's not like I had any choice if I wanted to deliver.

  17. Have you considered IPFS instead of BitTorrent for syncing changes in your releases?

    1. Yes. People asked me about it as early as 2017. I do not plan to use it for now. Any new tech needs to be substantially better to push against the downside of needing to gain adoption and IPFS is a mixed bag.
      The basic idea behind it, content-based addressing, is very reasonable, since it offers natural deduplication. However, like many "new and exciting" technologies developed recently in many aspects it is inferior to the "old and boring" tech. Just to name a few issues:
      -Blacklists. This is a bigger thing than it initially seems. They've already made a "bad bits" list with a bunch of hashes and no explanation of which content they link to and no accoutability.
      Consider bittorrent and its DHT. None of the existing implementations let people filter or refuse to service some specific hashes: the network is truly content-agnostic just like your harddrive is a content-agnostic storage device. The only reason you would fail to download something via BT is because everyone stopped being interested in sharing that piece of data.
      -There is no good GUI, only webtrash. At least CLI exists, but CLI isn't everything.
      -Quoting directly from docs:
      >IPFS semantics try to make it feel like every single object is local — there is no "retrieve this file for me from a remote server", just ipfs cat or ipfs get, which act the same way no matter where the actual object is located.
      Now this is thoroughly dumb. No matter how much you wish to live in rainbow-colored ponyland where every file read will complete as soon as you issue it, there is this annoying reality just outside your window, where an SSD will respond in 10-1000 us at GBs/s, HDD in 20 ms at tens to hundreds MB/s and non-local DHT lookup then retrieval might take seconds or minutes or never finish at all or hiccup and stall if your network connectivity goes down or drip feed you packets at 56kbps from the other side of the planet. Downloads are just fundamentally different from local reads and by attempting to pretend they are not you predictably put yourself in situations where your shit works as expected only 90% of the time at best and everyone sees that and is reluctant to use it.
      -Development is partially sponsored by the largest MITM-provider in the world. Do you trust their interests to always align with yours? I mean, on the other hand Google of all companies has released golang, which is rather ok, so this isn't an immediate red flag, just something to always keep in mind. However a programming language is a significantly more generic thing than a p2p software, so there is much less room to be evil there.
      -They didn't think of "nocopy" flag until someone bumped into that issue and asked for it to be implemented. For me this doesn't look like avoidance of premature optimization, but rather as a lack of foresight. When you build your software like a toy, ignoring scalability issues, it will remain a toy in many places where noone thought to look.
      In the end, what would I gain by using it that is impossible to do with current tools? With v2 torrents and some manual glue I could even publish an always-current TLMC version hourly and it would work if the majority took measures to jump to the newest swarm as soon as possible (which is a very questionable proposition, I know).

    2. ngl this is my favorite piece of text here.
      `There is no good GUI, only webtrash. At least CLI exists, but CLI isn't everything.`

    3. Also, I think I prefer folders over how cuesheets were packed in the older torrent.
      Keep up the good work!

  18. First, a big thank you to rwx.

    There is a mixture of flac and tta+cue files. So when I try to enjoy music with foobar2000, I end up with unplayable files, or I end up listening to the same song over and over again.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    1. Easy search engine result:

  19. Is there any way/chance to revise wrong characters in cue sheets of existing archive?
    I found in [舞風] MAIKAZE\2016.10.16 東方夢想夏郷3 音樂全集 [秋季例大祭3],
    there're some wrong characters such as 暧, 涡, which are only used in Simplified Chinese, while the correct form(Kanji) should be 曖, 渦, respectively.
    (And obviously, 舞風MAIKAZE is a jp circle.)

    1. Not if you wish to continue seeding, but what are you trying to achieve?
      If you want to fix your version, then edit extracted file(s) (for the 2018 torrent) or make a copy of the cue and edit that (for the 2023 torrent).
      If you want to help everyone else to get correct names in the future, then post links to cues with changes here and I'll update them in the next version.

  20. Is there a way to download only specific albums? I don't have a large disk drive.

    1. Just select what you need in your torrent client?

  21. Hello, the torrent file can't be loaded because of an 'unknown error', I reinstalled µTorrent and reset settings and nothing helped, the magnet URL does add to the µTorrent but it doesn't download the metadata and the torrent can't initialize, I don't see the content/files, nothing works, please help (I'm using the latest 'v3.6.0 build 46798', tried even older 'v3.6.0 builds 46738/46674'), thanks! (I wonder how does it work for other people, because I tried on other PC too, same IP.)

    1. Check if you can download the torrent file (in case you're opening it directly by feeding the client the url), check if the torrent file is correct size. Use magnet if your isp blocks catbox or if it's down. If everything fails, then try another client, although a client would have to be seriously broken to fail on this torrent.

    2. I already tried everything including downloading the file "amxubt.torrent" (the 17.2 MB "torrent file"), in BitTorrent and µTorrent which are almost the same, and Motrix (halts and crashes when adding the file)... I don't know what else to try.. What client, version and build are you using? (Also could it be that the torrent file is invalid? Can you check please?) Thanks (Oh and I also tried to disable the 'hosts' file + restarted PC.) :\

    3. The file is valid, otherwise no one else would be able to use it.
      I'm on an older qBittorrent v.4.2.5 (64-bit) on Win7, but that shouldn't make a difference (still worth trying).
      I dunno, maybe try disabling the antivirus or whatever passes for one these days.

    4. Just in case your ISP does deep filtering or router corrupts specific packets, torrent file sha256 is 2C4386D8232CEB74CAA9AD3912472918443A03DD52079144C8E3EEE7187E64F2. This is for the catbox file; the file you get by downloading from DHT and saving (qB has this functionality, for example) will be different, because it won't contain announce urls and other data not included in infohash calculation, such as creation date, won't match.

    5. The checksum hash matches, I even tried to load-the-file / download-by-magnet-URL with VPN but everything remained the same, but guess what, I downloaded the latest qBittorrent v4.5.2 and the torrent file was instantly loaded! (qBittorrent even has a file-search option compared to that crap µTorrent/BitTorrent)
      Thank you so much for your time and effort! And please type a note about this problem in the description above so the rest of the people will know what to do to solve it. (To use qBittorrent instead of µTorrent or BitTorrent which use the same engine.)
      Have a nice day!

  22. 感谢您做的一切

  23. In case if you don't know, there is a defective album "2017.10.15 [IO-0315] ROCKIN'ON TOUHOU The Best [秋例大祭4]" containing 2 discs, and in both discs the 2 last songs are 'empty' streams, that's quite suspicious, might it be that your cd-ripping program made an error?

    1. I don't rip anything, just share what others upload.
      The album in question was a web-version that could be mapped to and verified against two CDs, but they decided not to include all tracks, so I had to pad it with silence. There are several other albums like that.

  24. hey rwx, do you know about the web version of this torrent series? which brave champion is hosting it? is it up to date with new releases of TLMC?

    1. Are you asking about any specific web version? I don't quite pay attention to them, it's good that they exist, but that's all.
      You can scan through earlier posts under TLMC tag, some were mentioned there, maybe you can use that.

  25. Great thanks to all your works! I eventually got a large enough hard disk to download these since I knew this project some years ago.

  26. Currently working on ripping a chunk of Marscapone's/マスカルポーネ releases. Itll be a few days (hopefully sooner), before i finish, would it be something you're interested in? What would be the best way to send you these items?

    1. Yes. Upload to mediafire as an archive with zero compression or to mega as whatever and post link(s).

    2. here you go.
      some things i wanted to note as well;
      All album information/metadata i had to fill in by hand, hopefully i didnt miss anything critical. Album covers are included (pulled from THWiki in whatever size/quality they had available), but Raw scans are included as well. I recommend Scan Tailor to properly edit the images for inclusion later. I dont have a lot of free time, so i couldn't do that part myself, sorry. They might appear later on VGMDB thru help from a friend though, so if you'd like to wait a few days, check on VGMDB for the edited files there. All information i grabbed off THWiki, however one of the albums needs the metadata double checked, as thwiki had multiple credits for said album, i mightve not written the information correctly, im not sure. It's noted in a folder name which one needed checked. If there's any issues LMK on here and ill check back in a few days. Thanks!

    3. also i just realized i accidentally fucked up and mispelled the group name in the folder name, correct spelling is mascarpone

    4. Thanks, downloaded.

    5. I have a few more submissions if you're interested. What would be the best way to get in touch with you for submissions? I have a lot of cd's and from what i've heard from a friend, sometimes the previous submissions in the torrent aren't the best, or are missing materials that i might have.
      from this submission
      Alstroemeria Records - 東方幻樂編曲集第二集 舞 -MAI-
      Demetori - Shout at the Devil
      Demetori - 寂光寂滅 ~ The Truth of the Cessation of Dukkha.
      Scans are included as well.

    6. *For more frequent or updates to submissions.
      (would just posting on here be best?)

    7. Just post here. The only minor problem is that after 200 comments blogger starts adding "Load more comments" link, which can be missed by some readers, as it happened in one of the previous posts.
      With regard to existing versions, I've added a link to a page and an html file with a quality scan of v.19_PLUS and the timeout ver. to the bottom of the main post.
      New scans are always good as long as they are not obviously visibly worse than existing ones.

    8. I saw quite a few things i can contribute (at a glance, will check more thoroughly later.) I have quite a busy life, so theres only so much i can do at a time, but will try to provide updates at least once a month going forward. I'll start going through my collection to see what needs rips/scans, and will get back to you with what i have.

  27. Have you ever thought about including Replaygain tags in the cue sheets?
    In theory the values should be uniform for everyone if correctly calculated once and it would be non-intrusive since using it is completely optional.
    It's not really a high priority thing since having the user generate them only affects the seeding of the cue sheets. It'd just be convenient not having to generate or regenerate the values for every new or changed sheet.

    1. I understand the concept, but don't find it that useful from many angles:
      -Using different values of track-gain destroys the relative loudness of tracks in the album that the artist intended, only album-gain makes sense.
      -Sometimes there's a bit of background noise and I turn the volume up, sometimes my ears are tired and I turn the volume down. RG can't account for that, so if I'm using master volume control anyways it matters less what level I start from.
      -Many albums are mastered with 100% peak level.
      Just do it yourself, TLMC releases are rare enough to worry about frequent regeneration. If you end up doing it and wish to share modified cuesheets, then send a link to an archive and I'll add it to the main post.

  28. There's 6 albums on animebytes for an artist called paradotto that's currently not in the collection. Let me know if you need help grabbing them

    1. Scratch that, 4 of them are collab works under [給食頭蛮]. Only 2 of the solo albums are not in the stash.

    2. If the solo albums aren't available in any decent place, then you can always upload to doujinstyle, if they are TH-related, I'll grab from there.

    3. @rwx You're greatly appreciated

  29. Who owns this server file server with TLMC ? I know he was here once.
    Is there a chance that content on this server will be updated to the latest TLMC?
    Or maybe another servers like this exists?

  30. checking the sheet and some things I happened to see on buyee/mercari there's a few things I saw which seem to not be here or perfectly dumped, incase anyone is interested in getting them here's the links

  31. WTF, google?! Part 2.
    Retroactively marking comments as spam and removing their visibility was bad enough, but when five out of eight of those comments are MY OWN...
    This is a double F in basic software design competence, which stands for "Fail Forever". Then you realize someone was paid 500k/y to code this shit.

  32. 2018.12.30 [FRSF-0007] let the DANCErs rock the FLOOR [C95] by Frozen Starfall has audio crackling/popping throughout some of the tracks. I downloaded the flac for free from their site here and it doesn't have the problem.
    Currently listening through the other albums to see if others have the same problem.

    Thanks for TLMC! <3

    1. I'll... queue that as a potential thing to check. As you can see from the accurips that particular CD perfectly matches other people's rips, so the issue is probably in mastering and online versions, if I had to blindly guess, were reedited and fixed later.

  33. Would someone please inform doujinstyle peeps that their album pages break when they do edits based on user correction submissions, leaving only "Insufficient information to display content." error message. I'd do it myself, but they don't seem to react to emails.

  34. To the ripper under the nickname "若々しい寧々" on doujinstyle with ASUS SDRW-08U7M-U and PLEXTOR PX-891SAF drives: STOP FUCKING UP YOUR RIPS PLEASE.
    Some (not all) of them are missing several seconds of audio (typically 2, but this varies) at the start of each track except the first, because some piece in your software pipeline is confused about the nature of pregaps.
    If you are only reuploading, then obviously this doesn't apply, although it would be great if you could pass the message to the culprit.
    For everyone else, list of TH-related affected albums (ds ids, might not be exhaustive, links might be replaced in the future - compare "Last Updated" date to the date of this comment for that): 20984,22451,20987,21134,21133,21129,22446,20988,21785,20981,21830,21135,20989,22681.
    You can use 22681 (給食頭蛮 - DROPLET) as an example and compare it to the same, but properly ripped, album in TLMC (2022 temporary version).

    1. List of currently known issues

      [SiesTail]\2022.12.31 [STCD-0093] シエステールです。名前だけでも覚えてください。 [C101]
      [SiesTail]\2022.12.31 [STCD-0094] ラビットのイヤー [C101]
      [Yurihaka]\2023.05.07 [FCTG-0001] 柊野文庫 ~ Crypto-porticus in Memory [例大祭20]
      [Yurihaka]\2023.05.07 東方久交承 ~ Rainbow Ashes, Smoke and …… [例大祭20]
      [悦楽舎]\2023.08.13 タワーデモ(仮 [C102]
      [響records]\2023.05.07 [HIBIKI-005] One Hundred Beyond [例大祭20]
      [響records]\2022.10.23 [HIBKI-004] 虹色の世界 [秋例大祭9]
      [Baguettes Ensemble]\2023.08.13 DEMO [C102]
      [TAMUSIC]\2019.12.31 [TAM3-0186] CROSSFADE REMIX CD 2019 [C97]
      [東方弦楽郷]\2019.11.17 伊弉諾 [科学世紀のカフェテラス9]
      [あらいぐまファクトリー]\2019.10.06 [CRFM-0020] 劇場版 魔法少女メディスン・メランコリー music archive [秋例大祭6]
      [SYNC.ART'S]\2023.08.13 [LACD-0004] Lune Jaune~花片跳ぶ願い弾む音律~ [C102]
      [ちょこふぁん]\2023.09.23 ちょこふぁんフェスVOL.0
      [ちょこふぁん]\2023.10.29 LIVE or EVIL [M3-52]
      [Ars Caerula]\2023.04.30 [ARCA-0001] Memoria; Preces [M3-51]
      [Ars Caerula]\2023.10.29 [ARCA-0002] Memoria; Graphicus [M3-52]
      [Nostalgic Crescent]\2023.10.29 [NCCD-0006] 東方アレンジザ・無断転載ベスト+α [M3-52]
      [TUMENECO]\2023.11.12 [TMNC-035] 花レ離れ [秋例大祭10]
      [西向く侍]\2023.11.12 [NSMK-0017] 東方劇伴集 vol.7 ~京都事変 [秋例大祭10]
      [紺碧studio]\2023.11.12 [KPCD-025] ヒロインズイグニッション [秋例大祭10]
      [給食頭蛮]\2021.08.21 [PRDT-0004] DROPLET [夏の三週連続リリース 2/3]
      [給食頭蛮]\2021.12.31 [PRDT-0008] 草の根トライアングル [C99]
      [舞々]\2023.11.12 [MIMI-0017] 小悪魔のあそび [秋例大祭10]
      [ゆうぞう商事]\2023.11.12 [YZCD-003] 和奏-WAKANA- [秋例大祭10]
      [そなたび]\2023.05.07 [SNTB-0001] 幻想作曲家選輯 [例大祭20]
      [TAMUSIC]\2017.12.29 [TAM3-0168] CROSSFADE REMIX CD 2017 [C93]
      [route9]\2023.05.07 無重力の夢 [例大祭20]
      [光と闇の協奏曲]\2023.05.07 [LDCD-004] Touhou pianoforteⅡ-Lunatic Rhapsodia,Again- [例大祭20]
      [光と闇の協奏曲]\2022.12.25 [LDCD-003] Touhou pianoforteⅢ-Classical Red- [C101]
      [MANDALLIUM]\2023.05.07 [MDLM-0011] FULL SWING! [例大祭20]
      [ShibayanRecords]\2023.05.07 [STAL-2301] TOHO BOSSA NOVA 12 [例大祭20]
      [凋叶棕]\2017.05.07 [RDWL-0024] 随 [例大祭14]


      Re-ripped correction
      [あらいぐまファクトリー]\2019.10.06 [CRFM-0020] 劇場版 魔法少女メディスン・メランコリー music archive [秋例大祭6]
      [ちょこふぁん]\2023.10.29 LIVE or EVIL [M3-52]
      [TUMENECO]\2023.11.12 [TMNC-035] 花レ離れ [秋例大祭10]
      [西向く侍]\2023.11.12 [NSMK-0017] 東方劇伴集 vol.7 ~京都事変 [秋例大祭10]
      [給食頭蛮]\2021.08.21 [PRDT-0004] DROPLET [夏の三週連続リリース 2/3]
      [給食頭蛮]\2021.12.31 [PRDT-0008] 草の根トライアングル [C99]
      [舞々]\2023.11.12 [MIMI-0017] 小悪魔のあそび [秋例大祭10]

      the current problem may be caused by his foobar2000 plug-in.
      rest will be repaired in the near future.

    2. Glad you could find and contact the ripper, Edward.K.
      Nice job!

  35. I'm too scared to ask, but are we ever getting the full v.20 or is it "in the making"?

    1. I plan to make at least one more release, but there is no date estimate at the moment.

  36. Can anyone tell me, how do I split track in some albums fast? I'm new around here.

    1. Linux: shnsplit or so they say (might require fiddling with tta decoder)
      Windows small-scale: foobar
      Windows mass conversion: dunno, lol (I would consider Linux VM + Linux solution the easiest?)

  37. Some of these are TTAs, others are FLAC. Are there any reasons for this beyond 'not enough time to encode them properly'? Appreciate your hard work regardless.

    1. Nowadays most albums are shared as FLACs, but some are ripped from CDs, while others are mastered direct to digital. If an album could be matched to ARDB/CTDB entry, then I losslessly converted it to TTA, if I couldn't confirm that either it was a CD rip or could be mapped to a CD rip (makes no difference, bits are bits), then I left it as is.
